Hey everyone, nikePK here. Today on another edition of -Overlooked- we’ll check
out 3 more pokemon and some strategies involved with them. The three Pokemon
today are: Brock’s Golbat, Lt. Surge’s Fearow, and Espeon.

 Brock’s Golbat is first up today, let’s see his stats.

Stats: Grass type, 70 hp, stage 1 from brock’s golbat, 1 retreat, weak to psy,
resists fighting.
Attacks: C ­ Dive -   (20)
CCC- Spiral Dive ­ Does 10 damage to each of your opponent’s Pokemon, Don’t
apply weakness and resistance.

Both Brock’s Zubat aren’t all that great, but if you can get out the Golbat
fast, then you can take
advantage of him fully.  It’s strange why you don’t see Brock’s Golbat being
played, because with all the decks that have you fill up your bench. B’s Golbat
can do a maximum of 60 damage when your opponent’s bench is full and you can
take out baby pokemon easily since you don’t need to flip for them while they’re
on the bench. He can easily be powered up in 2 turns with DCE but in case that
doesn’t happen, he has a great 1 for 20 attack to hold his own. 70 hp is decent,
the best for a Golbat so far, but one has to wonder why he has a retreat cost…
You can combo this pokemon with other bench hitters like the new Yanma from
Discovery or Murkrow (genesis) and Umbreon from Discovery. I think Murkrow makes
a good combo with Brock’s Golbat because you can do Spiral Dive for 10 to a baby
on the bench, then next turn KO a baby with Feint Attack. He works well with
pokemon that do 60 damage with their attack, such as Wigglytuff, because now
that their 70 hp pokemon have been taken down 10, there is no need to search
through your deck for all of those plus power and item finders. There are many
combos that can be used with Brock’s Golbat, try some of them out. Overall I
give him a 7.5/10.

 Next, Lt. Surge’s Fearow.

Stats: Colorless type, 70 hp, stage 1 from Lt surges Spearow, 0 retreat, weak to
lightning, resists fighting
Attacks: CC ­ Super Drill ­ Flip 5 coins, this attack does 10 damage for each
heads flip.
   CCC- Clutch -   (30)  The defending pokemon can’t retreat next turn.

 Ever had those darn free retreat pokemon keep switching on you, making you
either not take a prize or use up your gust of winds? Well now it’s a lot harder
for their active to get away, thanks to Lt. Surge’s Fearow here. Clutch not only
does 30 damage for 3 colorless energy, but it doesn’t let their pokemon retreat!
Now that Sneasel goes down in 2 attacks without him being able to get free.
Weakness to lightning hurts him pretty badly, and so does Sprout tower, so that
may be why he is overlooked. But if you can get past the sprout tower with one
of your own gyms, throw in Clefable with him to take out Rocket’s Zapdos. Then
let Fearow start beating all of their pokemon down, one by one. While loading
up, Lt Surge’s Fearow has a great first attack for 2 colorless energy. On
average it’ll do 20-30 damage which is good for that amount of energy. Fearow
works best in the late game, if you have the advantage your opponent will try
and stall by retreating their pokemon back and forth trying to wear your party
out. With only a few prizes left, its almost guaranteed you’ll take at least one
with fearow if you’re up against a smaller hitter. Energy removal helps to keep
damage on fearow low so you can attack multiple times in succession; gold berry
helps too, even though it can be gotten around. Overall I give Lt. Surge’s
Fearow a 7.5/10 also.

 Espeon is last for today.

Stats:80hp, Psychic type, stage 1 from eevee, 0 retreat, weak to psychic, no
Attacks: CC ­ Bite ­    (20)
   PPC ­ Psychic -   (30+)   Does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each energy
card attached to the defending pokemon.

 This Eevee evolution has some pretty decent attacks. In my opinion, Psychic
costs too much unless your opponent has at least 2-4 energy on their pokemon.
One strategy to use here is to use Espeon as a counter for Ditto. Now, that may
sound crazy, but unlike…say Promo Mewtwo, Ditto has no speed edge on Espeon,
because Bite only costs 2 colorless energy. Also, while you have an Eevee on the
bench, Ditto can’t do much to stop the Espeon from attacking Ditto first. So
almost always you’ll get the 40 damage to ditto before it will. With a free
retreat, Ditto will be able to switch out easily from being Ko’d, but that’s
what gust of wind is for. If you can prevent ditto from retreating you can
switch to one of your pokemon with little hp to do a ko to ditto while saving
your attack for another pokemon. Espeon’s problem however, is that many popular
pokemon have resistance to psychic, Clefable, Sneasel, Erika’s Dratini. You can
counter this with either a sprout tower for the colorless pokemon or the better
choice of resistance gym. Even with resistance gym, Espeon isn’t quite as
powerful or as fast as he needs to be. Use him as a ditto counter and see how
that works out. Overall I give Espeon a 5/10.

 Well that wraps it up for today; I hope you enjoyed the article. You can
contact me about other combos or pokemon you think are overlooked at

    Cya later.