With the new release of Neo Discovery,many new and useful Pokemon have come out(some Unowns are useful).2 of those cards are Houndour(The dark and the fire).In this Article I shall talk about how to use them to your advantage.I own both of the Houndour cards and I terrorize my friends' decks with them.
                                        Fire Houndour
The fire type Houndour has 50 HP.It's a basic( of course).His first attack is Smog.It reads,''Flip a coin.If heads,the defending Pokemon is now poisoned".It does 10 damage for 1 fire.His second attack sets up for Houndoom's Flamethrower.It reads,''Collect Fire   If there are any R energy cards in your discard pile,choose one of them and attach it to Houndour      20".Get as many R energy cards from your discard pile for RR,attach them to Houndour,evolve him,and discard 1 a turn for 50 damage each.When you need another energy card as Houndoom,just use recall.It has a weakness to water,no resistance, and a retreat of 1.Good Card.
                                     Dark Houndour
The dark Houndour has 40 HP and is also a basic(no,duh)His first attack is Bite.It does 10 damage for a colorless.The second attack is brilliant.It reads,"D1   Plunder    Before doing damage,discard all trainer cards attached to the defending Pokemon(before they affect the damage)20.No Focus Band saving your butt this time.No Gold Berry to heal you!Mwahahahahahaha!So evil!The dark Houndour has some of the best bottom stats.It has no weakness,psychic resistance,and only 1 retreat!
                                        Final Score
Fire Houndour:7.0                                                                                                                               Dark Houndour:7.0
Next time I shall discuss one of the most deadly Neo Discovery cards,Kabutops!