OK, first I will tell you what is on the card
2 stage Pokemon



energy cost: 3 colorless
Flip 2 coins. this attack does 30 damage times the number of heads


energy cost: 2 colorless, and 2 dark
Base damage:50
For each Benched Pokemon in play (yours and your opponent's).  Flip a coin if
heads this attack does 30 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply weakness and
resistance for benched Pokemon).

retreat cost: 3 colorless energy

I do not think slam is a very good attack but I think trample is a great
attack.  Think about this the attack does 50 base damage + the 20 damage from
the darkness energies used to pay for the attack making the base damage 70!!!
 That is enough damage to take out almost any haymaker card!!!  Then that is
not even the best part time to kill the bench flip those coins to KO the
bench as much as you can!!! WAIT, you are killing your own bench simply!!! 
To take care of this put in Scoop up's in your deck.  This attack can do
anywhere from 70-220 damage total. 

There is more

Everyone knows that fighting has weakness to psychic well when Pupitar
evolves into Tyranitar the weakness goes away and becomes resistance!!! 

There is 2 down sides to this card things about this card
1-His first attack is not that good though it is a bit.  :(
2-You can kill you own Pokemon using his attack, even tough you can counter
it with scoop up's it still is bad.  :(

But other then the 2 down sides this is a great card   :)

Here is a deck I made that has Tyranitar in it.  I hope it gives you come
great deck Ideas.

Pokemon (13)
2 Tyranitar
3 Pupitar
4 Larvitar
1 Rocket's Hitmonchan
1 Hitmontop
1 Hitmonchan
1 Igglybuff

Trainers  (26)

4 Gold berry
4 Computer Search
3 Ecogym
3 Scoop up
3 Elm
3 Bill
2 Gust Of wind
1 Energy Charge
1 Master Ball
1 potion
1 Moo-moo Milk

Energy (21)

15 Fighting
4 Dark
2 Double Colorless

If you want to help me on my deck, comment about my post, or if you need help
on a deck e-mail me at losernumber8@mail.com
Thanx, Rob