Hey Trainers!! Its Hollis Again Here to give you avaice on those "common"
decks. This Week I'm going to try with Sneasal-Lock Decks.
I recently build one and I cant help but tell you That The deck is very
agressive, even though it has a little bit of stall work too get Slowking.
The punishment is very repetitive. Here was my deck

18 Pokemon
4 Slowpoke
4 Slowking
3 Sneasal
2 Murkrow
3 Cleffa
2 Ditto

12 Energy
4 Dark Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
2 Full Heal Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy

30 Trainers
4 Oak
4 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
3 Lass
3 Gold Berry
2 Energy Charge
2 Switch
2 Gust Of Wind
2 Ecogym
4 Energy Removal
1 Nightly Garbage Run

Here are some tips to help you uuuse a deck like this correctly.

1. Though it takes until turn 2 to get out Slowking fill up your bench with
as many Slkowking as possible.

2.This must have relentless speed in order tokeep up with haymaker style
decks. Dont be afraid to use Oaks.

3.Save Energy Charge for only Rainbow and Dark Energy. In the process of
using Oak those may get discarded.

4.Try to get out at least 2 Slowking by turn 2. This is so a substantial
lockdown can occur by turn two.

5. Lucky Coin or lucky dice helps. With this deck you win more games when you
go first.

6. Stay Persistent. Dont stop using Oak. One a Sneasal gets powered up it
will only take you a few turns to knock out your opponents pokemon.

7. Use Murkrow only for bench munipulation. Its really easy to when with you
have about 3 Slowking out and a Murkrow that MEAN LOOKED your opponent last

8. Be weary of Gust of Wind. If they knock out your Slowking or Slowpoke you
need to find an alternative way around to win against your opponent.

9.Be afraid of UnownD. There is only one defence around him. GUST OF WIND. if
you see one gust as soon as possible to get rid of it. They really ruin the
strategy of this deck.

10. Have fun. This deck is powerful so have fun causing carnage. Good
Luck!!!!!!! and Farewell Trainers!!!!!!!

Hollis Eacho      cantketchthis@aol.com                  

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