This is Chris again, this time with the 3rd analysis in my single card series
of Erika's Clefairy/'Fable. I'm breaking the rules,...I'm reviewing three
cards, in my single card series. Below I'll list problems and advantages and
how to either fix the problem or abuse the privilege... Erika's Clefable will
come first, since the review is mostly on it. The Clefairys will come later
in the article.


** 70 HP- As with most other Pokèmon, 70 HP helps this card. Very similar to
Brock's Ninetales, my previous review, there are always Gold Berry and Focus
Band to save it. BUT, if you read below, saving E's Clefable might not be

** Bottom stats- The typical Colorless card: Fighting Weakness, Psychic
Resistance, Retreat of 2. Once again, if a Hitmonchan or a Gligar gets at
you, just Gust out a Psychic or something else. Retreating also won't be
necessary in my idea for a deck...Keep reading...

** Moon Impact- Not the best attack. 3 Colorless for 30 damage. I wouldn't
use it to attack, unless it'll get you a Prize. KEEP READING>>>

** FAIRY POWER- It must be quite good, since I always leave the best for
last...Now, I'll dictate the attack to you, in case you don't own one...
"Flip a coin. If heads, you may return any number of your Pokèmon in play and
all cards attached to them to your hand." Now, I'm not Einstein, but this is
PERFECT for an old time stall deck with Chansey and Alakazam. Just leave it
on the bench until Damage Swap can't move any more damage. Then, send out E's
Clefable and use Fairy Power. If heads, you can return as many of your
Chanseys and rest of your bench back to your hand, therefore, this attack
removes damage instantly! Then that next turn, lay down all your Chanseys.
This requires advance planning. If you remove all of your bench, make sure
that E's Clefable CANNOT be knocked out that next turn. If you aren't
prepared to defend E's Clefable, I sense a Bench-out,which will cost you the
game. Use a Defender or Focus Band,...or just simply leave a Pokemon on your
    OR, you can remove Erika's Clefable to your hand also. It says any
Pokemon in play, which includes Clefable. This is why I said don't pay the
    If you flip tails, as I said previously, be prepared with a Focus Band.
This is the ultimate for stall decks.


Of the two Erika's Clefairys released (Heroes and Challenge), I will advise
for you to employ the use of the Challenge uncommon, rather than the rare
from Heroes. Simply, I chose it because the rare one just is bad. Lunar Power
is allowing you to evolve one of your bench, which gives that Pokemon more
HP, which is better for a stall deck,...which works with Erika's Clefable. It
all comes around like a chain of dominoes.

Making a deck consisting of Erika's Clefable with Challenge Erika's Clefairy,
Chansey, and Alakazam, your opponent will deck out. Try this type of deck out
for me. If anyone tries it and gives a review to me, or wants to send
comments on anything, should send it to me at SEND
REQUESTS FOR FUTURE "HOW TO USE" ARTICLES. Thanks, and have fun with this new
deck type!
