These two Pokemon have a wonderful pokemon power that allows you to
search your deck for Stage 1 Pokemon and put them on the bench.  What really
makes this Power shine the most is the attack that Kabuto has.  Let's take
the example of both Omanyte and Kabuto.

Kabuto                                      Omanyte
Pokemon Power: Revive Friends               Pokemon Power:  Revive  Fossil
Once during your turn you may flip coin     Once during your turn you may
flip coin
If heads, search for a card named Kabuto        If heads, search for a Stage
1 card that
from your deck                              evolves from Mysteriou Fossil
Attack:  Work Together 10+                  Attack: Bind 10
Flip Coin, if head this attack does 10 more     Flip coin, if head the
defending pokemon
damage for each Fossil pokemon on your      is paralyzed.

Of course, it is important to have some true basic pokemon as well as Fossil
Eggs because you can't start the game with an Omanyte or Kabuto immediately. 
If you manage to get an Omanyte, you flip a coin and get heads, then you grab
the next fossil pokemon in you deck and flip for his power as well and you
keep doing this until you either run out of Kabuto or Omanyte or flip tail
(Fossil Eggs allow you to continue).  If you flip right, your bench should be
full and a Kabuto will be able to attack with 60 damage.  Kabuto is even more
wonderful because it can evolve into a Kabutops and the Kabutops from Neo 2
can do 120 damage tops, provided that Kabutops has at least one fighting
energy.  It's a lot of coin flipping but it usually means instant death if
the heads comes up frequently.

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