here are some combos for sabrinas gengar (pain amplify).......

dark arbok-10 damage to the WHOLE bench is nice +poison with no flips
dark golbat- 20 damage when played
brocks golbat- 10 damage to all your opponents pokemon (this can be
accomplished by turn two, see here> get brocks golbat on turn 2 with dc,
attack, evolve gengar if u havent already, attach psy, retreat, use pain
amplify, you now have 20 damage to all your opponents pokemon by turn 3)
gengar- curse spreads the pain
articuno promo- 10 damage to bench wit heads
ampharos and azumarril- both much like articuno
a self-destructing pokemon, magnemite hehehe- selfdestruct then bring up s
Murkrow- obviouslyjust feint attack everyone
Yanma- very like b golbat with a heads flip

thats all i can think of right now.
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