This is the top ten cards of jungle. I wont give cards a lower rating because of something outside of its text. For example i wont give wiggly a lower rating because of sprout tower or sneasel because of ER These are ratings of the card not how they do in current play.
10. Rhydon - Great attack. It can take 20 w/ 100 HP resistance to lightning is awesome.
9. Pinsir - great attacks and ok hP.
8.. Dodrio - If played right it can do 70 on turn 2  great power and free retreat.
7. Rapidash - Free retreat. agility and 30. great colorless attack. Good Hp. Nuff said. (wow would this be a nice basic.)
6. Kangkhaskan - 90 HP basic and card drawing is sweet.
5. Exeggcutor - does huge  damage and teleport helps retreat.
4. Mr. Mime - Meditates great. 40 HP sux but look at its power. killed rain dance.
3. Scyther - 70 hp basic with resistance and free retreat and solid colorless attack and can do 60 damage on turn 2.
2. Clefable - Copies those broken attacks for 1 colorless energy with no side effects (almost).
1. Wiggly - 60 on turn 2 and lullaby kills mimes along with resistance and is good against everything but sprout tower. Like i said it wont get a lower rating but in standard play its still one of the top ten ca rds ever.
Agree? Disagree? Everything goes to - rob