Race Rabbit here. I recently received translations for Neo 4, and I was impressed by some of the cards. It's obvious that this set was made to encourage evolution. Take for example...
Tame Wigglytuff
80 HP
Retreat: 1
(C) Evoulution Song
Both players may choose 1 of thier Pokemon and search their deck for a card that evolves from that Pokemon. Place the card on that Pokemon and treat it as though it had just evolved. Shuffle your deck afterward.
(CCC) Body Slam  20
Flip a coin. If heads, the defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
I think that Evolution Song is great. It requires no coin flips, but it also allows your opponent to evolve. This may be solved using Mew...
And for those of you who don't like to evolve, it looks like your friends may almost force you to evolve:
Spiny Gym
Stadium Card
Both player's Baby and Basic Pokemon cost 1 more energy to retreat.
But  if you evolve, you don't have to pay that energy! There are ways to get around retreat cost, but no deck can have the answer to every other type of deck.
And after you're done pummeling your opponent's poor babies and basics, you can revive them....and then do it all over again for another prize.
Dark Haunter
50 HP
Reteat: 0
(P) Bring Back
CHoose a baby or Basic Pokemon from your opponent's discard pile, put a damage counter on it, then put it on your opponent's bench.
(PP) Surround 20
Flip a coin. If heads, the defending Pokemon is now asleep. If tails, the defending Pokemon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.
Ohhh boy. There are so many combos for these ghosts. Bring Back+Pain Amplifier would put 2 damage counters on those Babies without any coin flipping. Or just Pain Amplify twice for the complete KO. Bring Back and of course, Curse could KO babies too. It's still not as good as Bring Back and Pain Amplifier, though.
The last Baby/Basic killer in this series (that I know of) is Dark Feraligatr. Just read the power....BYE Cleffa, see you...um....maybe Never?
Dark Feraligatr
80 HP
Retreat: 3
Power: Coercioin
Whenever Dark Feraligatr is your Active Pokemon, ignore all Babies Pokemon Rules. This power doesn't work when under status effects.
(WWW) Destroy  50
Flip a coin. If heads, choose and discard an energy attached to the defending Pokemon.
Can you say " 30 HP weakling?"
Now, forgive me if ALL the translations aren't Exactly right (although I think they are) and feel free to RE: on Pojo's Strategy guide.