Hey everyone this is my first edition of best cards and ill be reviewing base set. I hope you agree with me its 15since base set is awesome I will not give a card a lower rating because of anythibg outside of its text. For example wiggly wont get a lower rating because sprout tower, Sneasel wont because of ER and meganium wont for being a stage 2. You get the picture.
Top 15
15. Poliwrath - 40 damage and removal is great! triple retreat and stage two with 90 HP isnt.
14.  Nidoking - 20 POISON DAMAGE!? too bad its a stage two with 90 HP.
13. Mewtwo - Unlimited damage! Psychics good but 60 HP plus triplre retreat is just sad.
12. Ninetales great attacks retreat hp, but discarding can hurt even if its one.
11. Venusaur - great attacks, power retreat and HP.
10. Dragonair - no weakness and removal is nice.
9. Jynx - 70 HP basic w/ good retreat and brutal 2nd attack.
8. Arcanine - Take down is awesome! 80 damage on turn 3! 100 Hp so it can damage itself. Triple retreat is bad.
7. Gyrados - awesome attacks and resistance and HP but bad retreat.
6. Farfetchd - possible 30 on turn one and 30 on two. Retreat/ HP suck.
5. Alakazam - two words - damage swap
4. Hitmonchan - obvious
3. Blastoise - Rain Dance
1. Electabuzz - Duh honorable mentions charizard machamp and dugtrio
10. ER - screws opponent.
9. Bill - One Of The best drawing trainers
8.  Scoop Up - Save your pokemon and steal prize from opp.
7. Lass - Destroys the key of battles - trainers.
6. Pluspower - Often attacks need another 10 damage 4 kos.
5. Item finder - Give me back my trainers!
4.GOW - Incredibly useful. Gust for weak poke.
3. CPU - Most Flexible card.
2. SER - REALLY screws opponent.
1. Oak - duh.
Agree? Disagree?  All emails to Thrillseeker75@hotmail.com thanks - rob