hello everyone, my name is Curtis. I have played the pokemon TCG for
about two years now. one of my favorite pokemon is arcanine. The fire
dog rules!!!!!!!! Anyway, i want to talk about one of my favorite cards,
promo arcanine(70 HP). This card works very well in a dmage swap deck.
These decks are old fashioned, but they are my favorite types.

First attack=  Two colorless
Quick Attack: Flip a coin. If heads this attack does 10 damage plus 20
more damage, if tails, this attack does 10 damage.
(not exactly a killer attack, but gets the job done.)

Second Attack= Two Fire
Flames of Rage: Discard two fire energy cards attached to arcanine in
order to use this attack. This attack does 40 damage plus 10 more damage
for each damage counter on Arcanine. If you cant discard any fire
energy, this attack does nothing.

I like this flames of rage attack. If you have an eco gym, and an
alakazam in  play, this card rules. One should play a defender on
arcanine so he doesn't get toasted on the next turn, (if he can stand up
to the attack.) Because he only has 70 HP, he is a tough card to use. I
normally put about 3 damage counters on him so i can take out those
pesky haymaker cards. Arcanine can be very suicidal if you put 6 damage
counters on him. That equals 100 damage! And only for 2 fire energy
cards!!!!!! I tell ya, this card is one of the best promos ever to be
released aside from the movie mewtwo and promo venusaur. This card also
works well with a focus band. I hope my friends at Pojo.com post my
letter. I also hope some other arcanine fans will look at this card in a
different light.

If you have any questions, comments, or just feel like writing me
something, email me at Violent_Ed2000@hotmail.com