wazup this is my first TCG strategy so give me some slack. im giving you
info on what could be the most boring match. Porygon (why the heck did the
make this guy a uncommon!) vs Magikarp (why did they make this weakling a
uncommon!)!!!!!!!! First let's look at magikarp  he can  do 10 unless he has
20 damage on em.30 hp (booooo) no resistance retreat cost is 1!!!!!! it
stinks! Now porygon is a little better. his conversions really help in
stalling and kicking ur opponents buttocks! 1 retreat is ok cause if u send
out a porygon ur gonna wanna retreat soon. a resistance to psychic is good
but weakness to a commonly used type fighting. 30 hp also stinks. but if
magikarp evolves into gyrados bye bye porygon so it depends on what u have
in ur deck.

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