Wow. It's been 2 years. 2 Years of Pokemon cards. And look how things have
changed. Here's what lead up to today's awsome play enviornment! I said

This started it all. Haymakers, Stall, Raindance, and Dragonair Removal.
Haymakers ran on speedy Hitmonchan and Electabuzz. Raindance brought out
Blastoise, Degong, and Gyrados. Stall with Alakazam and Chansey. Dragonair
teamed with Super Energy Removal to create a feared deck. And did I
mention...Mulligan Mewtwo. A cheap deck using all psy. energies and a few
Mewtwos to be invicible. Other notable decks were Charizard, Venucenter, and
other decks that sucked.

This set gave us Scyther, who showed up in every speed deck, and introduced
Copycat. A deck taking advantage of your opponent's pokemon. Bye Charizard.
And then came the one who dominated. Wigglytuff! The only Arch-type card, I
used. It dominated STS.

This set Gave us Aerodactyl, for evolution stopping, Muk, for Pokemon power
stopping, and that's about it. Oh yeah. Ditto helped out Copycat. Articuno
was added to raindance, and Moltres began his own form of stall.

Base 2
This set Pissed me off. I wasted my money on what I allready Bought.

Dark Vileplume came as the first form of Trainer denial, but had negative
effects, disabling your trainers too. Everything else sucked.

Gym Heroes/Challenge
I put the sets together, because I don't know which set alot of cards are
from. Rocket's Zapdos screwed up The Meta-game badly. The first Zapdos to be
used alot, he is resistant to Fighting and not weak. Lightning resistant to
fighting. You now play Lightning to stop fighting! Blaine's Arcanine was a
big hitter. Erika's Weepinbell gave us some status changes and Sabrina's
Alakazam showed up helping out Psychic decks. Too much emerged here to tell
it all!

Neo Genisus
This set kicked Dark Vileplume and Wigglytuff behind. Sprout tower
permanantly disabled Normal, and a new bench powered poop was here. SNEASLE!
A card so strong it was banned from STS (WOTC has to stop making bench
powered pokemon) Slowking arrived only disabling your opponents trainers!
Murkrow improved on an old deck I didn't mention, LOCK. Meganium's power
charged up Grass pokemon. Feraligatr was bad, but in ROCKET ON! He dominated.
Typhlosion made a notable appearence. Steelix and Skarmory became an
Arche-type. Metal and Darkness energy showed up even without Darkness Pokemon
and Metal Pokemon.

Neo Discovery: Unowns show up hurting Normal, Metal, Darkness, that's it.
Tyranitar showed up combining with
Unown D. And The biggest thing: Igglybuff. He stopped Aerodactyl, Dark
Vileplume, Slowking, and Foretress. Oh yeah, Fortress! He was good.

Honestly, I love the current enviornment. Don't bash me, or tell me to stop
complaining; I love it!

Well that's a wrap. And a note to Wizards! We've poured our money into your
pockets forever. You wanna make more money? DON'T RELEASE VS! Either we quit,
and start playing Magic, or we stay on pokemon VS. It's a win-win situation
right? Wrong. You release VS, I quit Pokemon Cards. I don't quit Pokemon,
Pokemon CARDS. And I stop playing other card games too! I think I speak for
many other trainers.

~Jerm who rules