I saw a 2nd turn damage puzzle with no flipping, and I thought it was great. but... I can beat it...
Your opening hand is a Totodile (the one with Bite), a Squirtle, a Feraligatr, 2 Breeders, a Blastoise, and an Oak. Totodile goes active, with Squirtle as his backup. Your opponent has 2 Cyndaquils. Your opponent attaches a dark energy to Cydaquil (the 50 HP kind) and passes. You draw an energy, attach it to Totodile, and Bite. Your opponent passes, knocking out Cyndaquil. Your prize is an energy, and you draw an energy from the deck. You breed in Blastoise and Feraligatr, put both energy on your Gatr, and Oak. You get 6 Water and an Oak. You Oak. So far 6 water are in your discard. You get the same hand as last. you Oak. 12 in your discard so far, 24 in your deck. You get the same hand, and Oak. 17 in your deck, 18 in your discard. You get 6 Water and an Item Finder. Item finder for the Oak. You Oak. 10 in deck, 24 in discard. You get the same hand, and repeat. You have 3 in deck, 30 in discard. Your new hand has 6 Water and an Erika. You use the Erika, Downpour all 9 Water energy, and Riptide for ((10 base + (39 Water times 10)) times 2 for weakness equals) 800 damage delivered on turn 2 with NO FLIPPING!!!
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