Hey uh...Tangela kid, please don't make a reply to this message like you do
to every dumb tip. This is just something fun, and things to avoid in battle.

You know you've lost when... You're opponent used Aridos and Piloswine to
disable you're active, s/he is using Hitmonlee. S/he has benched Dark
Vileplume and Aerodactyl. S/he is killing you're bench. You can't use Switch.
You can't evolve. That last iggly is in the prizes, you know because of Here
comes Team Rocket. You're screwed.

You know you've lost when...You're only basic is no energy squirtle. You are
facing fully charged base Zapdos. 'Nuff said.

As I said, this is just fun. Jerm Supercleffa@aol.com

Umm...Am I forgetting something........Oh yeah! I rule.