Racerabbit here again, and I always see people making top Ten lists. But, I've decided to do the 10 worst cards! Enjoy! ( And if you don't agree...that's your problem, not mine)
I'm only doing actual Pokemon, and not Trainers.
10. Fossil Golem-
My, my, my. Aren't you just an energy hog? You'd think he was a fire Pokemon! Let's look at the facts here. Its a stage 2 with fairly bad evolution, and it only has 80 HP. And for 4 energy, you can do 60. And there's always the Selfdestruct, which I think sucks, because you're opponent nabs a prize too! Why not just use a better, basic, cheaper Fighting-Type? Like say, Hitmonchan?
9. Fossil Zapdos-
It takes 4 colored energy to do 40 damage? Since when? He has 10 less HP than his Base brother, and his retreat is 2. Once again, it just takes too much energy for the effect.
8. Packaging Promo Pikachu-
You know, the one that came in the box for the 2nd Movie. It has a whopping 30 HP, and it has two, weak, colored attacks! And when compared to Neo Pikachu, it just looks like a baby Pokemon without the baby rule. Sad, in a way.
7. Lv. 5 Brock's Zubat-
Yes, he can draw cards. Big deal! Bill does it better. And his grand 30 HP and Wing Attack only does 20. Once again, is it a baby without the Baby Rule?
6. Dark Rapidash-
Uh-huh. With 60 HP its defense needs help. What helps him make this list though, is his atacks. Rear Kick is okay, but Flame Pillar is horrible. It's like Mud Splash (Which isn't very good) with an energy discard requirement. Why would anyone use this when there are cards like Blaine's Rapidash?
5. Mantine-
Hello. What is your purpose, little Kite? Seriously, he's got a retreat cost, 60 HP and a mediocre attack. The sad thing is he doesn't evolve. If he did, he'd be okay. I doubt any deck would contain this loser.
4. Blaine's Magmar-
I just don't like this card. Firebreathing is weak, especially for a colored energy.Lava Burst is one of the worst attacks...ever. You could potentially deck yourself, and you may end up only doing 20 damage. Sure, there are certain combos to improve him, but come on! Just use Fossil Magmar.
3. Victreebel-
80 HP for a stage 2, with a bad basic and an okay Stage 1. That is bad. Lure for a colored energy. That is also bad. Acid is very, very, very, weak. For two energy you do 20 damage, and just might prevent retreat! That is also, bad. Besides, who would retreat from this loser? Maybe a badly damaged Golem. Ha!
2. Base Magikarp-
What bad list would be complete without him? I don't even need to say why he's here.
1. DRUMROLL PLEASE!....Dunsparce
Yep, the worst of the worst. Most cards do have some purpose. Everyone on this list can be effective in some way. Magikarp evolves, Zapdos damages benches, it can fit pretty well in the right deck. But why is Dunsparce here with us today? He has 30 HP, which is the worst you can get. His attack does 10 damage, once again, the lowest you can get. It has 50/50 chance of Paralysis. And it can't even evolve. It's basically a Magikarp that can't evolve. This card isn't even funny. Let us pray that this guy gets a better card in the future. (Like orig. Gastly, who isn't on this list cuz he did eventually get a better form.)
That's all for now, and if you disagree with the list, once again, that's your problem..not mine.