Hey, This is GrotLad and I'm here to talk about a very good but underrated
card that goes by the name of ... Energy Flow. BTW this is my first
submission to Tips and Strategies but not my last.  :)

For people who dont know what this card does I will tell you.
   Energy Flow    Trainer(Common)

     For each of your Pokèmon, you may return any numer of energy cards
attached to it to your hand.
                                                       Gym Hereos Expansion

    With that done lets get to the stategies!!!!!!!

1. Raindance + Energy Flow
   Ahhh, the good ol' raindance deck.The problem with raindances nowa days(my
opinion) is the fact that they dont run enough trainers to counter many
problems in our environment. 'Dances usually run between 18 to 24 energy but
now they are forced to run 10 to 17 energy. That doesn't give you much leway
when powering up multiple water hogs. Say for instance you and your opponent
each have one more prize and you're playing an updated Raindance.You need to
pull off the win in a few more turns or you are going to deck.One energy is
your last prize and most of your water energies are discarded.What energies
you have left are on your Pokèmon.You need 2 more energies on your Dark
Blastoise to KO that sneasle.You play Energy Flow and move 2 energies off
your benched Gyarados and put them in your hand.You then use your benched
Blastoise's power to put them down on D Blastoise and Hydro Cannon for the
win!!!! What I'm trying to say is that energy flow are great in raindances.

2. Decks with Darkness Energy in it
    Energy Flow are also great in Tyranitar,Umbreon,Murkrow,or Sneasle
decks.Yes, Rainbow energies are life savers in Dark decks but that ten damage
could cost you. If you didnt play an energy this turn you could energy flow a
D energy to you hand then attach it to your active pokemon and KO the
defending pokemon. Energy Flow also works if your active pokèmon is about to
bite the dust and it has some prescious darkness energ yon it.Flow it back to
your hand to use it for later.

    Basically, you can use Energy Flow to save or move energy(with the help
from other cards).I appoligized for the long report but I thank pojo for
(hopefully) posting this article.

    You can contact me at FireDemon95@aol.com but please dont E-mail me to
bash me.Thank you and cya!!!!