I send this again because I leave something out.
Everyone says that eevee and eeveeulution is bad. I DISAGREE.
Think about it, it is possible to put a 3 colour deck with 3 times the pros.
Flareon go! They send a Seaking, ooh 60 damage.
Never mind, a Dark Jolteon comes to resure. 1 head and Seaking is a goner next turn.
Usually, they only have 1 or 2 types in a deck,
Fire, Vapoeons
Water, Jolteons
Grass, Flareons
Steel, Flareons
Psychic, Eevee!
That covers a huge range of types.
Also, Eevee and eeveeultions don't use a lot of coloured energy. Recycle, DCE, Potions energy rocks on eevees.
Here is a deck:
4 Eevee ( any is fine, I think a combination of Neo and Promo is great)
1 of each base eons
1 of each rocket eons
1 of each neo eeveeultion (espeon and the other one)
10 pokemon is fine
4 oak
4 com search
4 pokeball ( maybe master ball is better )
4 berries (potion is fine)
4 golden berries (S. potion is acceptable)
2 Recyle ( NGR, is good as well, maybe better)
22 trainer
5 of each energy basic energy
3 of dark and metal energy
21 energy
The use of the 7 spaces.
Lauturn ( more water enrgy pls )
Extra energies?
Eco-gym or ER or SER?
Rainbow energies?
This article is by Sam
siliconz@ihug.co.nz    please don't e-mail me a)virus b)hate mail c)threats d)without a purpose. Thanks