how great are those bug pokémon:

Neo Discovery: Butterfree
80 HP
(G)(*) Magic dust, damage 20
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now either Asleep, Confused, Paralyzed or Poisoned (your choice).
(G)(G)(*) Hyper Reverse
Does 10 damage times the number of Energy cards attached to the defending Pokémon. After doing damage, remove a number of damage counters from butterfree equal to the amout of damage done to the Defending Pokémon (after applying weakness and resistance).

his first attack is always good if youy flip right.
if you flip right a couple of times you can make his poisoned to give hime 10 at the end of every turn and keep him from attacking by making him paralyzed or asleep (or confused).

hyper reverse if great because if given damage to defending pokémon you give your self a potion-effect.
example: if the defending pokémon has a weakness for butterfree and has 3 energys attached to him, you do 60 damage and make butterfree probably damage counter free.
if you use a plus power to increase damage, pluspower gives extra healing power to butter free.

Neo Discovery: Beedrill
80 HP
(G) Triple Poison, damage 10
flip a coin. if heads, the Defending pokémon is now poisoned. Your opponent now puts 3 damage counters on it instead of 1 after each player's turn (even if it was already Poisoned).
(G)(G)(*) Pis Missile, damage 20X
Flip 4 coins. this attack does 20 times the numbers of heads.

the real reason why someone wanna use this beedrill is its first attack.
a great poison attack if flipped right.
great to use against metal pokémon cause metal energy isn't allowed to  stop the poison-effect.
his second attack isn't that bad if flipped right.
a max 0f 80 damage (160 if a weakness for grass) is always good against pokémon that have a high HP level.

another great thing oabout these pokémon is that they don't have any retreat cost.
if you want to use these pokémon in your deck, my advise is that you use
baseset: Caterpie,
baseset: Weedle,
baseset: Kakuna,
baseset: Metapod.
in holland we are all conviced that these cards are better in play than Neo Discovery: Caterpie,
Neo Discovery: Weedle,
Neo Discovery: kakuna,
Neo Discovery: Metapod.
if you think that this isn't true that is your opion, but don't email me about that.

if there are any question about these pokémon email em @:
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