Hiya Pojo,
 I just made some combos. Oh yeah I am using my key to the sets.Here they are: F=Fossil J=Jungle B=Base set B2=(it's obvious)G=Gym & N=Neo.

Pokedex+Bill=put the best cards on top and speed the good cards in your hand 1 turn earlier.

Omanyte F + The Rocket's Trap=Look at the cards to discard.

Omanyte F + Imposter Oak = Looky! A Charizard,a Breeder,& 4 R energies time to IO!

Dark Dragonair+Blastoise+Energy Search= Get Blast out look for W Energy then RAINDANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope this gets through!

                   C Y U - L A T E R

e-mail me at gastrio@hotmail.com

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