Baka, when you replied to my worst 25 cards I have been secretly planning my
own reply to your reply, so here it goes.

1 bashes you think are unjustified or better than I think: Don't get me
wrong, I was pleased when someone replied to my list, I just beg to differ.
First off I would like to talk about the mary. Though the scenario you
mentioned about no cards left is a VERY RARE occurance, it still makes me
kinda want to bump it up to 25 .
Now I would like to speak of aipom. This card is worse than you think. It has
low HP, does not evolve, and has weak attacks. The one thing I now realize
about aipom is that you could just let it take some damage, then shuffle it
back in. A staller. Speaking of stallers, snorlax fits that bill, though it
takes a LONG time to attack with it, and the Snorlax/Elekid/dark gloom combo
takes way too long to put into effect.

2 cards with limits: I would like to say that these cards don't deserve your
bashing. I mean, just because they have limits/can be risky/have been
weakened by sneasel DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE BAD CARDS!!!! If you get heads on
energy charge, the benefits are amazing. nightly garbage run can get back
your beloved pokemon and base energy. promo mewtwo 3 and gastly may fall to
sneasel, but they are still tough against others. My point is none of the
cards you mentioned deserve to be in the worst 25 just because there are
minor setbacks.

3 other: When I read your jokes about hitmonchan, I laughed out loud. There
is one thing about base voltorb you forgot to mention, IT EVOLVES! This one
fact makes it better than dunsparce (bumping the the card up to no. #30 on
the list) should be mentioned.

4 conclusion: Overall, I encourage people to make up top lists and worst
lists of their own (even you the baka). Always remember (holding lots of
laughter) base hitmonchan rules! LOL!!!!!