Hey there, fellow pokemaniacs! This time, I'm going to talk about the big, the bad, the... Jungle Exeggutor. I know I could talk about something better, but this is what I came with, so this is what I'm talking about. Like always, I'll start with the stats:
Stage 1-Evolves from Exeggcute
Color: Grass
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: 3
Attack: Teleport 1 Psychic
You may switch Exeggutour with one your Benched Pokemon.
Attack: Big Eggsplosion 1 Colorless (20x)

Flip a number of coins equal to the number of energy attached to Exeggutor. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.

Let's see... At first, it doesn't look very good. In fact, the first thought about this card when look at for the time is probably, "They put the higher cost attack above the lower one?" BUT... look at his second move. Flipping coins equal to energy is just bound to do something. Let's look at the obvious things we can use on him:

1.Double Colorless Energy--Since it says number of energy, not energy cards, this will count for two coin flips. 4 DCE equals 8 coin flips. All right!

2.Special Colorless Energy--The SCE can also be used since his attack can be used with colorless. FHE, Potion Energy, and Recycle Energy can be abused here. This also opens up... SER! Use Recycle-it comes right back-and wham! There goes two of your opponent's Energy cards. So far, so good...

3.Metal Energy--Well, here's yet another use for Metal energy. Once you get multiple Energies on him, Metal won't affect him much, and you can take off up to 40 damage from your opponent's moves. Plus, the Metal is still counting for the attack, so it's more helpful than harmful.

Pokemon that could team up with Exeggutor are:

1.Meganium(the one with Wild Growth)--This guy doubles the value of your Grass E.. Remember, Exeggutor's attack says number of energy, so that means that 3 Grass energy cards on Exeggutor really means 6 coin flips. OUCH!!

2.Venusaur--So you finally get Exeggutor out there, but have no Energy on him him. In that case, just use Venusaur to shove a lot of energy on him. Likewise, you could also take energy off him if he's about to get KO'ed.

Some Trainer combos:

1. Switch+Mr.Fuji--Everything's going great! You're using the Exeggutor-Meganium combo and whopping some butt, but then an Arcanine is suddenly breathing down your back. You barely hang on with Focus Band and are about to lose all your Energy cards. You draw a Mr. Mime. Perfect! You use Switch to get Exeggutor the heck outta there, then use Mr. Fuji to send him back to your deck with all that energy. Not only is it a good rescue plan, but it can also be used for anti-decking. Sending 6+ cards back to your deck at the last second can be a life-saver.

Now, after all that, I have to talk about his bad points. Let's see...:

1.Fire weakness: Ouch! With fossil Magmar and now the return of Base Arcanine, this really puts a stinger on the big tree's strategy. Since a lot of Fire pokemon have high power, one possible counter for this is Mr. Mime. You'll probably have a few Psychic energies in your deck anyway, so I can see a spot for Mime. F. Magmar is still a problem, though.

2.Sneasel: Exeggutor will get destroyed by Sneasel in seconds. For this reason, I believe a reasonable counter is Erika's Dratini. It's not only good for this situation, but it'll aslo give Haymakers and R. Zapdos a run for their money.

So, those are the goods and bads for Exeggutor. Now, I will start building a deck from random that uses some of the above strategies in action. Well, this is what I came up with:

Exeggutor's Random Eggsplosion (Grass, Psychic)



2xErika's Dratini

2xMr. Mime

1xElekid-Helps Mime against Colorless-Psychic Resistant guys-also Sneasel!








(20)-This number's just a teensie bit higher to support Exeggutor


4xOak-Yawn... How many times do I have to explain?

3xCPU Search-See Oak

3xItem Finder-See Oak

3xNGR-Notice a trend going on here?

3xSwitch-Get the heck outta there!

3xMr. Fuji-Back to the deck we go!

2xGOW-Eliminate possible threats before they get out of control

4xSER-Slow your oppenent down a couple notches

2xResistance Gym-Cancel Sprout Tower and help Mime if stuck against Chansey. Helps with Grass vs. Steel, too.


Peace out, everyone!

Next time, I'll conjure a report on Dark Flareon.

Comments? Suggestions? Disagreements? Email me at: pokemaniac16@hotmil.com



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