Hi, This is matt and I just wanted to wonder why people don't play Scizor. He seems pretty good.
Here is the stats of both of the Scizors...
Here is the promo one...
70 HP
* Leer: flip a coin, if heads the defending poke can't attack during his or her
next turn. 
S** Metal Claw 30+: flip a coin until you get tails, this attack does 10 damage times the number of heads.
Fire Weakness
Grass resistance
And here is the Neo2 one...
80 HP
S False Swipe: Does damage equal to half of the def. pokes HP (round down).
*** Double Claw 20+: Flip 2 coins this attack does 20x the no. of heads.
Fire Weakness
Grass resistance
Res. to grass
great basic
steel type
High retreat (SO many options)
Fire (Wooper!!!)
Unown M (One heck of a wimp)
I think the Neo2 one is better because the Promo sucks with a Unown M in play.
The neo2 can be splashed if grass is bad in your area also.
Plus his retreat ISN'T THAT BAD (it's good for a Metal poke)
He wont need to retreat that bad with 80HP and Metal energy anyway!!!