Hello Everyone, 
Check this deck out!  Sloking is a very good card with out a doubt,  but have you tried playing him with a spongeish deck?   I like playing cards like Sloking with Mewtwo(any),  electabuzz,  hitmonchan,  rockets Zapdos,  Sneasel,  Scyther,  Etc.  So just take a couple of minutes and read this.
OK:  First thing is that a lot of people play sneasel right?   let's take that sneasel out with a scyther (up to 60) .  The reason we have protection from Sneasel is so we can play Mewtwo (Movie Promo)!  Well, we'll need more than 2 different damaging poke'mon so let's use a very quick dominant poke'mon....  Rockets Zapdos! No dittos because we are all ready a poke'mon power deck and don't want  to get killed by a ******* Muk.  That's a bout it pleas read the deck and text below!
Poke'mon (15)
3 Sloking (neo genesis)  ---shuts down your opponent like crazy
3 Slopoke (fossil)  ---I think we should use this won because of it's "Scavange"  attack
3 Mewtwo (movie promo)  ---those sneasel's are not in ever deck!..........  or are they?
3 Rockets Zapdos (gym challenge)  ---like it a lot because of it's "Plazma" attack
3 Scyther (jungle/base set 2)  ---up to 60 damage witch does kill sneasel
Trainer (25)
3 Professor Oak  (base set/2)  ---Draw Power is inporant
3 Bill  (base set/2)  ---Draw a lot of cards than elm and keep from getting stalled
2 Professor Elm  (neo genesis)  ---Can save you from getting decked 
4 Super Energy Removal  (base set/2)  ---either I am just being crazy,  love super energy removal,  or I just hate sneasel...  Yah I think it's that 3rd thing!
3 Sprout Tower   (Neo Genesis)   ---Colorless is -30 to psychic,  I am going crazy about psychic resistance
1 Trash Exchange  (gym Heroes)  ---sloking mite be in the discard pile you know!
3 Gold Berry   (neo genesis)  ---Rockets Zapdos make it look easy with this card 
3 PlusPower  (base set/2)  ---Attack is very good
3 Super Potion  (base set 2)  ---Heal it before  you have 40 damage is good
Energy (20)
10 Psychic  (base set/2)  ---More because  sloking can attack (I did not say very well)
8 Lightning Energy  (base set/2)  ---If you have 3 rockets zapdos out you need up to 9 lightning energy.......  When will that ever happen?
2 Recycle Energy  (neo genesis)  ---Just in case of Dragonair
E-MAIL ME AT Tybolt1@home.com