Hey this is Matt B back with another one of those great strategies.  I am in a tournament next Saturday and in my division the good people play Kabutops.  All of them except me.  (I play fire).  I was thinking of a deck and I thought of this combo.
The combo is his.  Both have free retreat.  That is a great part of the combo already.  Most of the Kabutops decks play Hitmonchan.  Both cards have a resistance to Fighting. So that helps and Kabutops has a weakness to Grass so it is FUNNY when you face Kabutops.  This is my 1st strategy of the month but I will be submitting more l8er.
Matt-pcgamer1500@msn.com PLEASE DONT SEND HATE MAIL, junk, and other sorts of crap that I don't need, but please send any comments that you have on my Strategy.

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