This is my last post in the TCG Strategies and Tips section for quite a while, maybe for good. There is just too much junk and idiots posting whatever pops into their heads without taking a single moment to stop and THINK about it. I tried to encourage people to think about what they're typing, but, as contrary to what the Dutch myth says, I can't stop the flood of idiocy in the TCG Strategies section just by sticking my thumb in the dam wall. Personally, I don't care what you morons tell your fellow kind in this forum anymore, as long as I never ever battle you and you try your incredibly stupid strategies on me, because if you think it will work, you've got another thing comin'. I still love and all it's links, but I am not coming back to this forum, overrun with redundancy and idiocy. Bill, Scott, Doll, I imagine you have done the same as I have, given up here, since there would be 5 tips a month if there were still filters for crap in effect like in the good old days where this area of pojo had worth.

Jeff "Tangela Kid" Betten

Author of's Neo Discovery spoilers
Inventor of the Neo Beedrill Poison deck
119/298 at the 2001 ECSTS (Day 1)
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