I'll Start off with his second attack, since this is the one I am talking
<BR>DC Feint Attack: &nbsp;Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. This attack does 20 <BR>damage to that Pokémon. <B>This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, <BR>Resistance, Pokémon Powers, or any other effects on the Defending Pokémon. &nbsp;&nbsp; <BR> <BR></B>Any other affects on the <B>defending</B> Pokemon. &nbsp;It cost one dark and one <BR>colorless energy to do this attack, which means this automaticly does 30, <BR>because the effect is one the darkness energy. &nbsp;Now, I don't know if anyone <BR>would do this, but say you have a Murkrow active, and your oppent has a <BR>Chansey. &nbsp;Mean Look the chansey, and attach 4 darkness energy to Murkrow. &nbsp;he <BR>will be doing <B>60 </B>damage to their bench. &nbsp;Do that once to chansey, in case <BR>they want to double edge, and when they have if powered up, &nbsp;retreat Murkrow, <BR>cause you have no retreat cost and send out some garbage guy. &nbsp;This will work <BR>for the bech damaging Umbreon too, cept he'll be dishing out 70 damage. &nbsp; <BR> <BR>-Viper XIV <BR> <BR>ViperXIVman@aol.com &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT></HTML> </body></html>