Time after time.  Just about every set there are tons of new combos.  Most of
them we do not even notice untill a later set comes out.  There are ways to
damege people and heal your self.  In pokemon there are over 100 possible
combos.  Here I will list combos that are used a lot and combos that are not
used and known by many people.  I will list and rate every combo I know of

Combos with Psychic                   Pokemon
Damege Swap
Unknown A and Alakazam.  Swap 30 on to Unknown A and send out another Unknown
and do 40 for one energy.  This combo is hard to pull off but you can do it
if you put enough Cleffa, bill, and oak in there.  Rating: 6.5  [Make sure
you have healing items and lots of card drawing]

Chansey, Alakazam, and Scoop Up.  Say you have a heavily dameged Gengar,
Movie Promo Mewtwo, etc swap all the damege onto Chansey and use Scoop Up and
remove all the damege counters and put Chansey back into your hand.  Good in
late game.  Use it to remove damege and gain ground on the enemy.  Rating:
7.0 [Only weakness is Dark Vileplume and Slowking]

Arcanine [Promo] and Alakazam.  Have Alakazam on your bench and damege swap
60 damge onto Arcanine making his Flames Of Rage attack do 100 damege.  With
this combo you can do 100 damege killing most pokemon.  The only problem is
then attaching more energy to Arcanine.  It is good in early game.  Then in
later game use Nightly Garbage Run to put all the energy back into your deck.
Rating: 7.5 [Only use in early game or you will get crushed!]

Dodrio and Alakazam.  Damege Swap 60 damege onto Dodrio making him do 70
damege with his rage attack.  This is a good combo.  You can kill a haymaker
pokemon like this and then put a Gold Barry on him so you will still be alive.
Rating: 8.0

Gengar while facing a coloross pokemon.  When Gengar is facing a coloross
pokemon he does nothing with Dark Mind and ten to your opponents bench.  Next
use Curse to put a damege counter on the active from your opponents bench.  
This could get annoying while facing a pokemon with a large amount of HP.  It
is the best way to beat a coloross pokemon but still not that great.
Rating: 5.5

Gengar and Blane's Rapidash.  Use Blane's Rapidash's Stamp if you get heads
next turn use Curse to transfer a damege counter to another one of your
opponents pokmeon.  Then use Stamp again and keep using it and your opponnent
will have lots of damege on you!
Rating: 6.5

Gengar and Brock's Golbat.    Do basicly the same thing you did for the
Blane's Rapidash combo but this time use Brock's Golbat's Spiral Dive attack
to get damege on everyone and use Gengar to start killing a certain pokemon.

Grass Combos  
Energy Trans
Venusaur and Eggegutre.  Use Energy Trans to put lots of energy on Eggsegurre
and use Big Explosion for high damege!  With this combo you might do up to
1100 damege!  But then again you could do nothing.  But it will most of the
time with out all the energy do like 70 or 80.
Rating: 7.5

Venusaur and Meganium.  With energy trans and Megainuim out you will be able
to power up your pokemon quickly while swithching the enrgy if you need to.
Rating: 8.0

That is it folkes but soon I will send in stategies for fire and water.  You
can e-mail me at BOBOBOBONCF@aol.com, you can try to IM me if you want just
e-mail me first because if you don't I will take it as an add and delete it.  
Do not do a reply on the stategy section just e-mail me the reply.  So bye