It's amazing I got this far, but here's the 8th review in my series! Neo
Genesis Murkrow. I know this card has been revewed time and time again, but
not a single person reviewed it yet like I am about to. Below I will list
facts about the card. This is where I teach you to fix the problems or abuse
the privileges...

** 50 HP- This isn't the card's strong point. Mostly because of this
statistic, I advise to never leave this card Active for any length of time.

** Bottom Stats- No Weakness is good. Psychic Resistance is very good. Free
Retreat is extremely good. Use these stats to your advantage. The free
retreat is nice to "Lock" your opponent in and run.

**Mean Look- Locks your opponent in the Active position. Best with a Gust of
Wind. Send out something that your opponent can't use at the moment. Then
lock them in for a single Darkness Energy.

**Feint Attack- Target anything on your opponent's Bench. If you Mean Look
something that they can't benefit from, you can hit anything you feel like
for a nice 20 damage. This helps to bring an end to those annoying Babies,
like Tyrogue...Cleffa....Or, if you decide, you can hit the Defending Pokemon
for 30 or more, depending on the amount of Darkness Energy attached to

~There is an evil type of deck out in the world. It involves Murkrow,
Piloswine, and Dark Vileplume. I've never played this type of deck, but it
has a simple concept: Pick one of your opponent's Pokemon. Mean Look them
with Murkrow. Use Freeze with Piloswine. Have a Dark Vileplume on your Bench.
This locks a Pokemon in the active position. Then cripples it by not allowing
attacks, then finishes off your opponent by not allowing Trainers.

~Anybody who has a deck focused around Murkrow, or just anything you find
interesting, send them to me at the below address.

~Any questions, comments, decks, or even requests for future "How to Use
______" articles should be sent to me!

With responses from all of you, I can make my articles better and better each
time I write one. Thanks to everyone who writes back!