-----Original Message----- From: victreebel29@juno.com [mailto:victreebel29@juno.com] Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 6:58 PM To: Cardtips@pojo.com Subject: RE:Non Metagame Pokemon ways to beat current archtypes. Hello everyone, it is Tim. Here is another article with parts that are wrong, or, um... not effective. First of all, ecogym and Gatr. The strategy given is wrong. Ecogym makes it so energy ATTACHED TO POKEMON go back to the owner's hand. So, gatr's energy still hits the discard. Then, Typhlosion. It's biggest weakness isn't necessarily water, cause Typhlosion is usually played with Blaine's Arcanine which can be played with cinnabar gym. Also, removal isn't a big threat against Typhlosion, considering the Fire Recharge power. As for Slowking... It's difficult to gust one up without Iggly/ Muk etc. Brock's mankey makes this more possible. HOwever, Balloon Berry has made it easier for Slowking to run. Then, babies... Why in the hell would you want to poison them?? Just use an attack that does 30+ and one hit KO them. If you poison them, they will just retreat and end the effect. Now, the dark types... Double gusting generally won't help, seeing as almost all dark ! types retreat for free. The houndooms don't, but they don't have high retreats. For metal types, Promo Smeargel is really good to counter them. You paint them some color other than metal, and then the metals stop their damage. This is unreliable, considering Smeargel is easy to knock out, but it's fun. Well, guess that's all for now. -Tim Svenson e- mail me at Victreebel29@juno.com