Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 9:51 AM
Subject: top 10 decks D.J. Mayer

1 duh  GATR its the best run it like MATT MOSS. u rock

2 crobat  it counters gatr somewhat but not all that effectilvely
unless your SEENA G. go seena  

3 typhlocanine= fire recharg + firestorm top 2 decks should use pichu and magby to beat this deck

4 slowking + chaos gym. this can beat about 8 of the top 10 decks if run well. its downfall GATR

5 holo entei + magcargo  use dg to keep stufff from gettin goin. tip use with pichu or better yet magby

6 true flosion  1 flame wheel & 3 firerecharge. run with breeder fields & tyrouge fer early game back up

7  Evictreebell  all top 5 decks can beat this. tip use murkrow
   has a shot against a screwy GATR or FIRE deck   

8 holo SUICUNE + chaos + slowking + sneak attack + doublegust. yes quite a combo to pull but if u do youll probably have a 75% chance on a GATR deck
its downfall? GATR

9 n rev AmpHy + chaos + r zappy + metal
has a shot on gatr

10  s alakazam + good stuff like chaos gym & slowking
it made the top for its about 50% chance to beat crobat & 20% shot at GATR

till next time dj

u gotta win 2 have fun