From: Thomas Wagner [] Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 7:51 AM To: Subject: re:rant opposition to proposition 15 Dear Pojo, I apologize for the length of this email, but I believe it to be important to all of us, not just myself. I hope someone at your site could help us 15+ folks change wotc mindset. I am not familiar with computer setups so I don't know if this could be done. Could you write a generic opposition letter to wotc regarding what they are planning to do to pokemon, and post it on your site. POJO need not back the letter, just be the collection point. It also might serve to your company how many people agree with the position. Just somehow make it accessible to the multitude of readers who'd like to give a punch in the nose to wotc. Then let us be able to sign on to it with our emails. Post it for 2 weeks to a month for everyone who wants to participate in this venture to do so. Then send it to wotc. Our individual submissions would probably be thrown in the trash as junk mail. However, a collective response from your readers may make them sit up and take notice. I personally have started a campaign thru our local league not to purchase any additional wotc products. We the consumers have made wotc what they are. They better start to remember that the saying goes the "customer is always right"not the company. So they either change some of their policies or go down the tubes, their choice. This would not only effect pokemon but the long lived magic, potter and such. Several area hobby shops have been screwed by wotc. Both with their pricing and their ordering, so they are no longer offering pokemon cards for sale. They say their are too many other games like dbz, which they can sink their money into. Thanks Sincerely Thomas Wagner