From: Samus Aran []
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 3:43 PM
Subject: In reply to: 12.18.01 A History of Single Cards in Pokemon

Hopefully this is where I am suppose to send this.  I found that this featured article, 12.18.01  A History of Single Cards in Pokemon , was controversial and missed some "key" cards.  This is  reply to that article:

Base Set 1: A lot of Broken cards and decks first premiered in this set. Many decks such as Haymaker and Raindance. Everyone was going gaga over Charizard Blastoise and Venusaur buying booster packs by the dozens and trying to get those 3 cards. People began using Hitmonchan and Electabuzz in Haymaker. This is where the whole Pokemon CCG craze began.

I'm guessing that this article doesn't involve the "power" trainers.  So, let's begin.  Another broken card in this set is Chansey.  Chansey is now MUCH more used that the fighting-type Hitmonchan.  For Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur...are we talking about value.  I remember that even base set Zapdos was worth about the same as Venusaur.  Zapdos was also used as a clean-up hitter.  How about dewgong?  He was awesome paired with Blastoise.  Are you forgetting Arcanine??  Oh my gard.....He was awesome!  How about Gyrados?  It was either him or Dewgong in a raindance deck.  There were no babies back then.  You needed back-up hitters.  And Mewtwo?  People still play him.  There was a deck focused around him......"Mulligan Mewtwo"....  Almost all the holos were used.  Dugtrio took out electrabuzz.  Machop was a cheap haymaker.  Electrode charged up Charizard.  Farfetch

Jungle: A lot of new cards that people had been needing such as Clefairys evolution Clefable came in the Jungle set. Another card for Haymaker also came into action in this set. Scyther! The number one card in Jungle. Many stall decks also got a new edition in this set also. Mr.Mime came into viewing in a couple stall decks with Alakazam from Base Set 1. This set combined with Base Set 1 were the top trading card game on the market.

Tell me he didn't forget wigglytuff.....OMG!!  He did.  Wiggly was great!  Clefable didn't become really popular until R. Zapdos.  Wiggly could do a straight 60 damage, and with a plus power, 70 on tourn 2.  Kangaskan was used for Card Advantage.  Lickitung was used as a starter for paralyzation.  It had some key cards but wasn't a good set because of the lack of trainers and the doubles of Holos and rares.   

Fossil: This next set also along with Base Set and Jungle made decks even more powerful. Another version of Magmar came into the scene and came into the Haymaker deck. When the fossil set was released very few people were using Raindance anymore. Also in Fossil came Aerodactyl and Muk witch were put into many decks as well due to their Pokemon Powers. Aerodactyl stopped evolving(no more Raindance /Charizard) and Muk stopped Pokemon Powers(Muk w/ aerodactyl not a good thing). In the Japanese fossil also gave people the chance to get the Mew card. Many people were angry at WoTC when they heard that Mew would not be in Fossil in English.

..........Why is there no Ditto?  Seriously, why is there no Ditto?  Ditto was and is still awesome.  If you play DCE in your deck, you HAVE got to play ditto.  He is so situational.  He (Looks like a male :\) can do anything.  People still play this "powerhouse".  Articuno was in this set too who did well with Blastoise.  Lapras was used as a starter with his high hp and confuse ray.  Moltres was played at times for the insane wildfire (I saw someone discard 25).  Even Hitmonlee was used for a bench hitter.  Nowadays, Gastly can get back those special energies.  It wasn't a great set because of the lame trainers and the lack of cards.  Ditto......

Team Rocket: In this set many people were happy and many people were mad. People were happy because it had Dark versions of your favorite pokemon such as Dark Charizard and Dark Blastoise. Many people were made because the low HP on many pokemon. In Base Set 1Charizard had 120HP and in Team Rocket Drak Charizard only had 80 HP. When Team Rocket came out many Pokemon CCG players stopped playing Pokemon and went into Magic: The Gathering due to people saying The Game Is Rigged. To promote more buyers WoTC also included a super secret card in this set! Dark Raichu.

That low hp is a bit higher nowadays (+20) due to Team Rocket's Hideout.  Yeah, this set was whack.  But.....there was the infamous Dark Vileplume.  That was made into a minor archtype.  There was some modified decks that used Dark Blastoise, Dark Aklazam, and the Eevee evolutions (Light Umbreon did)...But nothing was really tourny worth except maybe the Dark Vlieplume....I won't mention the great trainers (TRAP). 

Base2: In this set WoTC combined Base Set 1 and Jungle together. This set you cannot get in Japanese. This set is the HARDEST set ever to get a holographic in. This is because all of the non-holo cards in Jungle and Base 1. Whenever you get a holo it is usually a Clefairy. Begining in Base2 WoTC began using another brand of Holographic Foil on their holo cards. In Base2 Base Set 1 and Jungle were Retired or Out Of print.

LIke you didn't, I won't mention the cards because they were reprints.  I never saw a Base Set 2 Clefairy......

Gym Heroes: This was the most wanted set in Pokemon CCG. Tons of people lined up for the Pokemon Trading Card Game League for the Gym Heroes Pre-Release tournament. I got 11th place in this tournament at my league. Even parents came to this tournament!!! This was the biggest set release of all time.

You say absolutely nothing about the cards...Gym Heroes wasn't one of my favorite sets.....THey got rid of the pokemon description :).  Well, this set were the first gym leader cards.  Rocket Hitmonchan was used a bit along with the Scyther, who is a good staller.  Erika's Victrebell is an awesome Anti-gatr in modified.   We had to wait for B. Arcanine but the Growlithe made a showing, not a good one.  And there was the misty poliwag, poliwhirl.  This sounds depressing, but I went 7-2 with a poliwhirl deck at the ECSTS2001.  Again, if this articled mentioned the trainers, I would too.  But to save time, I won't.

Gym Challenge: About 2 months after Gym Heroes was released, Gym Challenge was released. This set was even better than Gym Heroes because it contained Blaine and Giovanni cards. It also included the most broken Gym Leaders card of all time Blaines Arcanine! With the release of this set was a few misprints. And with the release of both Gym sets the pictures of some cards were changed. Look at Mistys Tears for example.

You didn't even mention R. Zapdos.  What is wrong with you?  Don't forget Brock's Ninetales.  There were alot of nice modified cards.  B. Arcanine could be used in either Constructed or Modified.  And Rocket's Mewtwo, he's a cool modified.   

Neo Genesis: Finally GS pokemon come into the TCG craze! This is what brought Pokemon back from the dump! This is the set everyone was waiting for! Blastoise from Base set 1 move over because Feraligatr is here!!!!! With Modified for the WCSTS/ECSTS formats this was the most broken card in the whole tournament! Almost 60% of all people had Feraligatr! This also premiered Pokemon Tools and Baby Pokemon!!!! And the most broken card IN THE WHOLE SETS OF POKEMON! Sneasel. This card is so broken that it was banned from the ECSTS/WCSTS. Now, thats what I call a powerful card! This set iis sooo 1337.

Feraligatr is horrible compared to Blastoise in standard.  You seemed to have forgotten Tyhplosion: Recharge.  Paired with Arca, makes a great deck in modified!  You seemed to also have forgotten Elekid, Cleffa, Donphan, Croconaw (50 and prepare for riptide), Quilava with Char.....

CrossTrainer: This set was supposed to release July 2001 however Wizards put this set on hold. This set would contain 1 card for each of the 251 pokemon (including Mew). This set would have also included Vending Cards!!!! WoTC put this set on hold and decided to work on releasing Neo Discovery and Southern Islands instead. This set is not scheduled for any release in the future.

The Immakuni cards would have been cool to play.  I can't say much for a set that never came out.

Southern Islands: The only way to get this set was to buy a gift box and Wizards really screwed up with this gift box! If you got the gift box you got the 18 Southern Islands cards. These cards were really meant for collectors not for playing the game. With the cards you got 6 postcards and 3 Neo boosters. In each of the Neo boosters you got 11 cards(duh!) but heres the funny part! In each booster there is no rare. I reported this to WoTC and they said they did this because you already got Reverse Holos in the set. How stupid...

I swear that I got rares in my packs.  Or at least I am pretty sure.  WOAH!!  The Onix was awesome with 90Hp and a colorless attack.  And the Mew acted like a hyper-neo-genesis pichu.  The Vileplume wasn't that bad either. 

Neo Discovery: In this set the 2 new forms of Eevee showed up and Unowns showed up! This set was the most worst set of Neo I have ever seen. They even skipped a card! Dark Raichu because it was in Team Rocket did not get to be in Neo Discovery! Neo Discovery sux!

Uhh...Are you complaining that you were able to get a card early?  THis set wasn't that bad.  Houndoom was a nice evolution, TYranitar was used to make some decks when it came out, Beedrill dished out triple posion....And Igglybuff!  Stopped Pokemon powers only on your turn.  Killing D. Vileplume and hurting Slowking. 

Neo Revelations: In this set it is a good Neo set. Not as good as Genesis but way better than Discovery. In this set 2 cool cards appeared. Shining Gyarados and Shining Magikarp. These 2 cards only have 1 star (unlike the Japanese ones) and arent worth that much really. Also in this set are 6 other great cards. If you thought the Neo Genesis Lugia sucked (which it did) than try the Neo Revelations Lugia. In this set the 3 legendary dawgs(or cats) came into the scene.. And 2 Ho-Oh Fire and Colorless came into viewing. Neo 3 is the 2nd best neo set.This is also the only set wihout Theme Decks.

Macargo along with Entei (Holo) makes a great deck.  It is POSSIBLE for Crobat to own Feraligatr.  Jumpluff has a 30 for one grass energy and can evolve skiplooms and hopips on your bench. 


I replied alot more, but I used spell check and yahoo erased everything that I had done.  Thanks pojo if you post this, and thanks for reading......  If you live in CT, please email me. 

 Tim Smith.

(MY NAME ISN'T SAMUS ARAN, DAMN YOU YAHOO!  Don't post this pojo...)

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