From: noah dreskin []
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 6:27 PM
Subject: Another devoted fan whose ticked.
Hello Wizards, what are you on? I mean honestly I've been with wizards since the boulder badge and frankly I'm pist. I've developed one question for WotC, what's with the addiction? 
First off the rocket on ruling? I mean " Hi feraligatr, want invinciblity?" by taking away jungle they took away the one card that people could use to beat gatr without completely remodifying there decks just for that purpose.(scyther) I know what you're thinking, what about crobat? well in the current playing crobat gets ripped apart(typhlosion, b. arcanine, magcargo) If wizards is looking for a card to ban don't ban sneasel ban gatr.
Second off 15+ going, going gone? The truly devoted players are mainly adults, the ones who go to STS'S, the ones posting things on sites(including this one)
And I've always wondered, who thinks of the pre-construct deck ideas? because I've seen decks that don't even have rares that can beat pre-construct decks, heck I've BUILT decks with out any rares that can beat pre-constructs. I'll admit some are O.K. but others are just (insert word that means stupid, ignorant, and moronic all at the same time here) I should stop writing now before I use a curse word and get this E-mail deleted. One last thing before I stop, WotC I don't have enough middle fingers to point at you.
Noah Dreskin