I'm getting a little tired of the average Top 10 or Top 5 lists. They have the same cards, most of the time, and the only different thing they have in common is their different opinions on the cards. So I decided to do something different. Plus, its more fun. Also, I noticed beforehand that some archtypes have 60 HP, so you'll be seeing them on the list, right? WRONG!!!!!! This is an Non - Archtype List!!!
Top 5 - 60 HP List (Non - Archtypes)
5. Sabrina's Mr. Mime
Good second turn attack. Only attack, anyway. Can do a lot to Benched Poke'mon with PlusPower and Sabrina's ESP. Combine with Dodrio and you' ve got a free - retreating Psychic Poke'mon.
4. Promo Pikachu
The only Pikachu with 60 HP. The best stalling Pikachu as well, with Growl. Thundershock is like Electabuzz's, just does more damage for more Energy for the same effects.
3. Blaine's Rhyhorn 
Overrun is the attack to look at here. Horn Charge is nice, but has only 50% chance of working. Hey, guess what, Blaine's Rhyhorn can KO Electabuzz with PlusPower first turn, using Horn Charge! Even if it doesn't work, Blaine's Rhyhorn has Electric Resistance, so you still would have a chance. Definitely playable.
2. Hitmonlee
Where'd this card go? IMHO, Hitmonlee is better than Hitmonchan. Strong Poke'mon, but no first attack. Bummer. Hitmonchan still has a stand of its own because it has a first attack that does 20 damage. Hi Jump Kick can make short work of Poke'mon with weakness to Fighting, especially Electric Poke'mon, as long as we're not talking about any Zapdos. Free retreat with Dodrio. Thta's better than Hitmonchan, even with a Dodrio!
#1 goes to.....(drum roll)........
Brock's Rhyhorn!!!!!!!
Horn Toss, 20 damage for a DCE, and a Built - In Gust of Wind, is just sick!
Take Down is good as well! Self damage, yes, but just use Defender!!!
And there you have it!!!!!
Now that was a lot of fun! I hope more amd more people will be willing to try something new instead of making Top 5 and 10 Lists with the same Poke'mon as the others.
Thanks for hearing me out!!!
My email address is kimvanib@caribsurf.com
- UltraMaster64