Hey everyone!. I was reading Pojo's awesome NEO 2 spoiler a few days ago
when I noticed a really good dark pokemon, Bangirasu. The english
translation is Tyranitar. Here is the translation.

100 HP
Type: Stage 2 Darkness Pokemon
Weakness: none
Resistance: Psychic
CCC: Slam: 30x
Flip two coins. This attack does thirty damage times the number of heads.
EECC: Nagitaosu: 50
Flip a coin for each pokemon on each players bench. If heads, do thirty
damage to that pokemon. (don't apply weakness or resistance for benched

It doesn't seem very special at first, but the Darkness energies make it do
70 damage. Therefore, all haymaker pokemon will KO'ed in one shot.

Weaknesses: It's stage 2. It's basic, Larvitar, has 40 HP, colorless energy
for 10 damage, weakness to grass, resistance to electric. Just bad.
Pupitar, the stage 1, is very similar. Breeders are the obvious choice.
Also, it requires 2 Dark energy. That makes it hard to charge up. For this,
we need lots of card drawing. Finally, it is weak to energy removals, and
there are only four Dark energy in a deck. For this put in Ecogym and Energy
Charge, which bring back non basic energy.

Overall, it can be practically unstoppable if you get it out, but be a waste
if used incorrectly. If you build a deck around it, put in several strong
backups. I would give it a rating of about 8 on a scale of 1 to 10.

Be happy and drink your milk!
-matt wilson-