Hi everyone,
I am sending this to Pojo (hoping that they will post
it) for a variety of reasons. One being that I would
like to get other peoples opionon on my deck so I can
improve it. Now, most of you are wondering why didn't
I send this to the deck garage, and your answer is, I
already did and I turned up with nothing. And some
people are asking why didn't I post this in the Killer
Deck section, and that is because I havn't gotten the
chance to try this out a tourney yet, and I don't want
to make up a bunch of stuff and say that I took 1st
place in a tourney. And the second reason I am posting
this is because I want people to see that creative
decks are not dead, that some people can create their
own decks. While I did not completely create this deck
(it is a stall so, it can't completely be my idea), I
have changed it in ways to make it my own, to make it
unique (did I spell that right? Please forgive my
spelling). Now thats over with, on with the article.

This is my deck, I call it Trash (if anyone has a
better name, please email it to me). I also included
explanations for a few special cards.

Trash Version 2.0
Pokemon 16
2 Cleffa (To help Stall with its attack)
4 Chansey
2 Elekid (good pokepower for when I cant attack)
4 Lickitung
4 Mr. Mime
Trainers 40
3 Defender
1 Prof. Elm (help stall)
3 G.O.W.
3 ER
3 Potion
4 Super Potion
4 Golden Nut
3 Nut
2 Narrow Gym (to counter Chaos Gym and Sprout Tower)
4 Poke Center
3 Computer Search
4 Scoop Up
3 Super ER
Energy 4
4 Recycle Energy (Short on space, so it was the best)

The stratagy of this deck is simple, just stall. When
you cant attack, due to the shortage of energies, use
Elekid's poke power. Elekid's power is you flip a
coin, if heads 20 to your opponents active pokemon
(I've heard that it counts as an attack, but I'm not
sure, if you know please email me). Cleffa's attack is
like Prof. Elm, you shuffle your hand into your deck
and draw 7 cards. I hope this shows you that people
can still make original decks, or take archetypes and
make them original. Please email me with your coments
and anything else. My email is
Thanks for lending me your ear (or eyes) to hear about
my deck.