Let me start off by saying to those who typically complain about the
number of Archetype being played (count me among them, I have a particular
disdain for Hay and Tuff) that the NEO cards have some diamonds in the rough
that are worth investigating. NEO has opened up numerous possibilities. I
have made 4 decks in the last week and a half and have play-tested 3 of
them, and I have 2 decks in mind. So far, my results have been good with the
3 I have tested.
Yet, what I really wanted to say is that the only way to let all
cards be playable and allow all manner of decks to be played is a deck point
system. My thumbnail sketch of my proposal goes something like this:
i) assign point values to cards as such
Stars = 4 pts
Uncommons = 2 Pts
Commons = 1 pt
ii) use existing set limitations, 4 maximum of any non-basic energy
card; 60 card decks      that's it
iii) add up the point values of cards in a deck and a legal deck can
only have 100 points total (this is an arbitrary
figure as of now)

Simple? Not exactly. But it would allow decks to follow any theme
the creator has in mind and not worry about banning(s). This would not
really be enforcable on a local tourney scene level except for maybe the
Honor System but I know that decks have to be logged in at the Qualifiers
and Big Tourneys so this is just adding a little math. That would give
trainers some limitations and obviously eliminate the decks that have 4
Computer Search,4 Item Finders, 4 'Chans, and 4 Electabuzz.
I would love feedback on this. Mark S Dawson    Later Gator