Lately, I have come across a coupla cards that I do not see used
much but can save space in decks when used.
They are Warp Point (WP) and Double Gusts (DG). I decided to play
them to see if they had advantages and they do since I found they act as
Gusts and Switches all at once.
Warp Points effect is that your opponent has to switch his active
with one of his choice from his bench and then you have to do the same.
Double Gusts effect is that your opponent must gust up one of your
benched pokemon and then you have to gust up one of his.
Both of these cards are similar in that both Active Pokemon are
switched (if possible) and it is just who does the choosing that is
How I like to play them is:
A) If I have a free retreat deck (Gligar, S Abra, Sneasel) then I
put in DG because I know I can pick the one I want of his and, since mine
have free retreat, I get to put back whatever I want into play after he
switches mine.
B) If I have a deck where I play minimal free or low retreat I play
WP because I cannot afford him to bring up an energyless Snorlax or 'Chan.
This way I have control over my pokemon and I usually throw in 2 free
retreaters in ALL my decks so I put one on my bench as soon as possible
anyway and then I get to switch out/back to whoever I want.
The reason these cards are good is because they have switches
ability to heal your confused/poisoned pokemon and they allow you to not be
stalled out as easily late game which is the most frustrating when time or
your deck is running out.
The space saving for me is that I like to play 3 switch and 3 gusts
in a deck, now I find that 2 DG or 2 WP with 1 each of gust and switch is
enough and saves me 2 spaces. I also play 3 Item Finders in my decks so I
find I have plenty of bench manipulation for the entire game.
Thanks for reading and let me know what you think.   Later Gator