Hello all. Today I am going to talk about overlooked an card, Apharos.

Type: Electric
Stage 2, evolves from Flaaffy
Weakness: Fighting
Resistance: None
Retreat cost: cc
Level 40
Rare Holographic
80 HP

Gigaspark Cost: EEE 40 Flip a coin. If heads the Defending Pokemon is
now paralyzed and this attack does 10 damage to each of your opponents
benched Pokemon. (Don't apply weakness and resistance for Benched

Well there is the stats. A pretty good card. Definately deck building
material(bench warmer comes to mind!) I know that he is Hitmonchan bait
but 10 damage to your opponents benched Pokemon is pretty nice and
paralization too!(if heads;)He would be a good team with Dark Raichu. He
could at least be in some of the top 20s! Flaffy is okay too.
Many people will not agree with me but this is MY opinion so please no

Any questions or comments can go to: tropical_typhoon@hotmail.com
Please no hate mail or viruses.

This is Taz signing out.