Hey pojo fans!  This is definately something that all of you will want to
read becuase it has to do with the ever so lovely Sneasel that we have all
been discussing.  I don't write many strategies, but he it is.

Sneasel Deck Idea:

We all want sneasel in our decks, but it's hard to have as many as you want
because of the fact you can only have 4 dark energy in a deck.  Easy solution
to this issue!  MP MEWTWO!!!  You can use absorbtion to get back those energy
that are discarded for some reason and then use energy flow to get them right
back into your hand.  I know most of you have been thinkin about all the new
neo trainers, but this is the way to go!  Don't rely on those risky coin
flipping cards such as energy charge.  But is there another solution to this?
 ECOGYM!  Yes, ecogym, the other card everyone will be playin in their deck.  
You could also try a couple no removal gyms to cut back on all of those
[super] energy removals.

Thanks for the read!  If you have comments, questions, strategies, or need a
deck fixed, please contact me (James Nelson) at TriforceMaster99@aol.com.