(Pokémon Science Lab/ Cryogenic Freezing room)
     Holy Sock: Arrrgh, D***. Another supid article and this time it's written by the son of Forrest Gump
      Mew Sock: OMG
     Holy Sock: I mean, take a look at this stupid article. Now, Haymakers and Wigglies are good. But this? OMG.
       Mew Sock: He treats Pokémon like a thing that making money off tournies so you can buy magic
       Holy Sock: You only care about winning, not the fun? That what the game is all about, you idiot!
      Mew Sock: Then he says he's undefeated. And at the end, he says that "Pokémon is a tool for beating the s*** out of helpless little kids in tournies, so I can brag my @$$ off and buy magic like the greedy pig I am" Which brings up another reason. The only reason this guy is undefeated is that he will only want to whale on helpless little kids so he can be a greedy pig and buy, buy, buy. I'd love to play him with my Gengar deck. With a braggart attitude like that, I'd probably hand him his @$$ on a silver platter (Not to sound like a braggart, but this guy is getting on my nerve. I'm real sorry if I offended a beginner player. You beginners too, with improve, just keep trying).
     Holy Sock: And he says things like "Older players don't care about having fun" And "All decks are the same." That stuff is terrible! Older players want to have fun too! And you think every sing;e deck is a haymaker, go look at the KDRs you moron
      Mew Sock: We rap it up here
      Holy Sock: *hops into a giant capsule* come, Mew Sock!
     Mew Sock: Yes sir!
     "Cryogenic freezing, beginning"
    *doors shut and the words "Crogenic Freezing Beginning"*
      *Blasts off*
       Holy Sock: We're signing off!
                                                                                                          *~Holy Sock~*
                                                                                                         *~Mew Sock~*
 Questions, comments and hatemail from DaMastaKilla can be sent to Mewdude4eva@hotmail.com