Hi, MisanthropicPodofGoo here again for my SECOND TCG Strategy! (BTW, some
of you may know me as TheRaveN from the UBB or pojo's IRC room :D)
Once again the ramblings of a deranged idiot have led me to write in! The
strategy in question this time is the one with the Ninetales vs Arcanine and
Elm vs Oak. Lets take a look shall we?

"Arcanine V.S. Ninetails

Arcanine 100 hp, Ninetails 80 hp.

Arcanine wins 1"

=[ Ugh. I thought we had seen the last of these kinds of VS a few months
ago! Comparing HP, and other stats is NO WAY to determine which is the
better card.

"First attack: Lure vs flamethrower

Lure cc Switch te defending pokemon with one on their bench. Awsome a biult
in gust! (A water active? Lure out a different pokemon to kill before it
kills you!)

Flamethrower FFC 50 Discard 1 F energy in order to use this attack. (Then
opponent sers, and its screwed)

I would say this is in ninetails favor Nintails wins 1"

Lure, In My Opinion, is A Bad Thing. So is Flamethrower =[. Why use Lure?
Either you have the energy required to use Fire Blast, or you get Ninetales
outta there! I kinda agree with the "gets SER'd and its screwed" comment, as
Ninetales could get outta there fast but Arcanine wouldn't be able to.

"Second attacks

Take down FFCC 80
does 30 to itself (They may think 30 is nothing but your just giving
a deathwish)

Fire blast FFFF 80
Discard two F in order to use this attack. (Just two? not bad. after a fire
blast lure out a pokemon with high retreat and no energy and power yourself

This is in ninetails favor I would say Ninetails win 2"

Firstly, the letter for Fire Energy is R not F :). 80 damage for Takedown
will KO almost any popular Pokemon in the game. With Arcanine, you can draw
4 Prizes for one Arcanine. Realistically, you will probably only get 3, as
Arcanine will take damage, but it's still a VERY powerful attack.
Fire Blast discards 1 R!!!!!!!! I can't believe you are saying an attack is
good that requires the discarding of two energy. Luckily, it really doesn't,
making the attack MUCH better :).

Ninetails C
Arcanine CCC

Look at that! Nintails can hit hard and run easier! Nintails wins!!"

Excuse me....*clears throat*


There are SO MANY factors you didn't take into consideration!!!!! What about
the fact that Arcanine is faster to power up? What about that Arcanine has
stronger basics? As the attentive among you may have noticed, I prefer
Arcanine. However, I believe that both Arcanine and Ninetales are both
equally good cards.

Secondly, you had Elm vs Oak

"Elm V.S oak

Elm: Shuffle your hand into your deck. Then draw 7 cards. You may not use
more trainers this turn.
(What was wizards smoking when they made this? If you have a trapper deck or
a speed deck This is not the card for you. If you are lame and have a crappy
deck this is the card for you!

Oak: Discard your hand. Then draw 7 cards. Its not as bad as you think.
Itemfinder, and nightly can get your cards back.

Oak wins."

I agree with you that Oak is better. However, not ALL decks are Trapper or
Speed decks, and it would be arrogant to assume that any deck that doesn't
fit this description is "lame and crappy".

I believe that Elm CAN be good in certain decks. These decks are few and far
between, but they DO exist.

I advise that next time you write a strategy with a subject as arrogant as
"Why All These Mistakes" you take everything into account and back up your
argument with intelligent reasons.

Thanks for reading! -- MisanthropicPodOfGoo
Constructive Criticism Welcome At: SuperSaiyaJin75@hotmail.com