Hi hopefully pojo will post my first article now on to it. People say
evolution is dead but this is mostly by players who never use it , they say
that but they will play card like wiggly , aerodactyl , and blastoise. They
act like its not evolution because turn two all of these guys do something
very bad to their opponent.  And now with neo out evolution may make a
comeback because  the evoultions most dont have any drawbacks  plus they are
hard to get fully powered by turn two which gives your opponent somewhat a
chance.Though I think most players will only use Kingdra because they see it
as "Broken" Ithink this will show us a new type of raindance.  Anyway I jsut
feel that a lot of players are going to become  very hippocritcal and
evolution will be used once again.  Well that is it for my article.:-)

You can email me at Digitalboy43@aol.com   
I like to fix up decks if you want to send any to me.