"Wigglytuff" is still widely played, but it's soon to fall to "Sneasel."
Although most people look at his disadvantages, they fail to realize the
greatness of it. Look at the card statistics:

Type:         Darkness
Stage:        Basic
HP:           60
Resistance:   Psychic


1 Fury Swipes- Flip 3 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of

DD Beat Up- Flip a coin for each of your Pokmon in play (including this
one). This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.

The Good, The Bad/ The Pic
There are more pros than cons to the card. Although "Sneasel"'s hit points
are low, it can dish out up to 200 damage with four "Darkness Energy," four
"PlusPower," and a full bench. Though most people don't need to do 160
(standars full bench with two "Darkness Energy") damage, some people don't
see the average damage done is 80, knocking out the popular "Wigglytuff." It
has Resistance to the already falling movie promo "Mewtwo" and other
favorite Psychic Pokmon, and no Weakness. ("Sneasel" is being called a
"Wigglytuff/" "Scyther" replacement due to it's attacks and bottom stats).

The last thing most people care about or even look at is it's picture.
Normally, I find about one or two cards in a series whose  artwork I like.
"Sneasel" is my favorite in "Neo: Genesis," because it's not just a picture
with a dark background, it actually has a background setting. It's sort of
hard to tell what the background is, because of the light reflecting of the
claws, but I'd say it's a forest in early winter with a lake behind it, and
a hill behind the lake, where the sun is just rising.

Sneasel's Helpers and Haters
Although Sneasel seems unstoppable, a Ditto or Scyther can get rid of him
fast. Like most people would do to "Rocket's Zapdos," "Gold Berry" is
something that is definately wanted. Using "Challenge!" first turn, you can
load up your bench and check what's in your prizes, but your opponent can
slap down "Ditto" and "Scyther" left and right. Attaching a DCE to their
"Ditto," your opponent can use "Beat Up," normalle knocking it out, and
there go two "Darkness Energy." "Energy Charge" can get them back in your
deck, though. "Scyther" only has to "Slash" twice, getting past "Gold Berry"
and getting rid of "Sneasel." Still, Sneasel will become more popular.

I myself play "Sneasel" instead of "Wigglytuff" nowadays, and my ratio of
wins is 1:17.

-----schway  strider-----
"Anyone with telekinesis, raise my hand."