Thats it!
I am sick and tired of hearing people bash haymakers and wigglys because
they dominate the playing field. I am sick and tired of hearing people wine
because they cant win a tourney with a "fun" deck. I am sick and tired of
hearing people say that Haymaker players have no skill... I'm sick and tired
of... Well, I could go on, but I'll just get to the point.

Whenever I go on Pojo, there is always a plethora of articles saying how
Haymakers "ruin the game" and how their players "have no creativity". That
is false. I personally play Haymaker, Rain Dance and No Energy Stall(which
you will an article on by me in a few weeks).

In my area, mostly older players (like me) play haymakers... why? Cause they
dont care about having fun. I honestly could not care less about having fun.
All they want to do is win, and win at any cost (and buy Magic packs with
the prize money (I know i do)). Would you play a Haymaker or Wigglymaker if
it gave you a better chance at winning an STS? Thought so. Metagame-wise,
Haymakers are dominating the playing field. And the only deck that has a
chance at beating it is another Haymaker.

And, uhh, for your information, not all hays are alike. Some support
wigglys, some dont. Some have magmars, some dont. Some have energy removal,
some dont. Some have card denial, others dont. The list goes on. Its just a
basic concept which is used in the same manner, so it appears like all the
decks are the same. I have never, ever seen 2 deck exactly alike (unless
they are pre-cons).

I think I'm speaking for alot of Hay players. I havent lost a tourney in 7
months. I've won over 500$ in store credits. And what do I do with it all?
Spend it on a game worth playing for fun, worth my attention and my money. A
game where all good pokemon players will end up one day or another. A game
called, Magic: The Gathering (the best ccg EVER).

All in all, I'd ask players to stop bashing haymakers and their players
because they cant beat them, or cant make one of their own.


All hatemail, mail boms, Viruses and any other unpleasant surprises are
asked to be sent to And I leave you all with my
quote... (this is not to be read by anyone who absolutely and uterly loves
this game, as you might find it offensive in some weird way)

"Pokemon is not a game. It is a tool, for older kids to beat little kids in
tourneys so they can buy more Magic. Hey, WotC economy depends on it."