My name is Brian Kelley and I would like to comment on
the Neo Genisis Expansion. What a great new set!!!
Some are totally broken, no doubt of that.But heres my
top 10 list!!!

10.Gligar-Nice hit points,status effect,resistance to
fighting.Great basic.But weak to grass,a common type.

9.Typhlosion Lv.55-Good Power, above average hit
points,good atack.But he's stage two and weak to an
uprising type of pokemon.

8.Piloswine and Quagsire tied.

Piloswine- Decent hit points and blizzard!!!Resistance
to electric.

Quagsire-Good hit points, surf,resistant to electric!!

7.Noctowl-Wow. This card deserves a place in any
trapper deck.Auto Rocket trap!!!Good hit points and
decent attack, free retreat,resistance to fighting.
One of the most broken cards of all!!!

6.Kingdra-Great card.Nice hit points,no weakness,not a
terrible retreat,auto gust o' wind, Agility is
awesome,Dragon Tornado does 50!!!But high attack cost
and stage two.

5.Super Energy Retreival-Four for two deal!!!Ths is as
good as Typhlosions Fire Recharge but sure fire way to
get twice that many for two cards. Now there a use for
pokeflute, to discard!!!

4.Cleffa-Man, is this cutie broken.Baby power and auto
oak with no drawbacks.

3.Meganium-The power is great and hit points above
average. Attack is good,retreat isn't the worst.Just
two word:FLOWER POWER!!!

2.Sneasel and Sprout Tower tied.

Sneasel has decent hit points, two good attacks, free
retreat, resisant to psychic. Enough said.

Sprout tower- Anti Wiggles. Just plain Anti Wiggles.

1. Ferilagatr- Hit points are good,good power, good
attack, and my favorite neo card.

Thanks for reading,
Brian Kelley
