Karatekid13 signing on! I'm gonna point out where Olenbushka went wrong here.

>Thanks to Pojo for posting my first letter on Scyther Bashing (December TCG
I agree on that one...well...kinda.

>There are many cards that I beleive are taking over the game. Scyther is one
>of them (As I said in my last article) another one is the big balloon of hot
>air (Wigglytuff)
I totally agree on that one, too.

>Here are the stats:
>Wigglytuff -80HP

>C Lullaby - The defending Pokemon is now asleep
>CCC Do the wave - 10+  Do 10 damage plus 10 more for each Pokemon on your
> Weakness- FT   Resistince- P   Retreat-CC
Ok, he got the stats right...

>This card isn't even too good. How long does it take to get a fully powered
>Wiggly out and 5 Pokies on the bench to do the max damage? It takes about 10
>turns. By that time, the game could be over.
I bet with 4 Bill, 4 Professor Oak, 4 CPU Search, 4 Item Finder, and 4 Double Colorless energy, it'd take 2 turns. :-D

>And now, we have Narrow Gym, so it only does 50 damage. Yippie. Charmeleon can do that with the same amount
>of energy and it's a fire Pokemon.
Ah, yes, but 'tis prone to removal, and it can only use fire energy. Oh yes, and it has to discard one for it's big attack. Plus, you can cancel out Narrow Gym by playing another gym.
>And with Prop 15/3C, You lose the trainers
>that you need to get your bench filled by turn 3 and kick some @$$.
Umm...Prop 15/3C has been abolished, ever since the East Coast STS.
>Take out
>the Balloons and put in some good Pokemon like the duck (Farfetch'd). What
>every happened to him?
Scyther hapened to him. Sure, Farfetch'd could do 30 turn 1, 30 turn 2, had 50 hp, and had fighting resistance, but Scyther has replaced him.
Scyther has 70 hp, and can do 30 or (if you have grass energy) 60 damage on turn 2. Oh yes, and he has free retreat.
Hmm...i hope i put enough into this article...i'm kinda in a hurry, though.
Hmm...i hope i remembered to say everything...
My e-mail is KarateKid13@email.com