On 12/31/00 sciencedude1998@yahoo.com said:
" Hello Again. If you remember, and have read it, my
last article was a combo of Sabrina's Alakazam and
S.'s Haunter (If you haven't read it I suggest you
do). Well I've now got an even better combo. 2 S.'s
Alakazams! First make sure you have one as the active
pokemon and one on the bench, and have 4 Psychics on
the active. Use MegaBurn of the Active Pokemon and
then on your next turn, Psylink to the S.'s Alakazam
on the bench, and use that one's MegaBurn, and
continue this pattern, and you will have a guaranteed
60 damage every turn. 
Pokemon Trainer"

I have a few things to say about that.  First, lets
take a look at the Pokemon Power: Psylink.

The Psylink power states, and I quote "Sabrina's
Alakazam always has a copy of every attack your
psychic Pokémon in play have (including their energy
costs and anything else required in order to use those
attacks, such as discarding Energy cards).  This power
can't be used if Sabrina's Alakazam is Asleep,
Confused, or Paralyzed."

 Now a hypothetical situation:

Your bench:  Gengar (fossil)Dark Mind PPP    
Sabrina's Gastly Suffocating Gas PP
     Haunter (fossil) Nightmare PC                 
  Sabrina's Alakazam Mega Burn PCCC

Your Active: Sabrina's Alakazam Mega Burn PCCC power

Your turn you megaburn Blastoise for 60.
Your opponent hurts you but your still in there
Your turn "I am going to use Psylink to . . . ."

Now you have the choice of Dark Mind, Suffocating Gas,
or Nightmare. You can not use Mega Burn, again. Mega
Burn was used last turn.  The card clearly states that
"You can not use this attack during your next turn.".
Which is, of course, why you are using Psylink and not
Mega Burn.

Now I am reading the part that says ".and anything
else required in order to use those attacks."  It is
REQUIRED that if you use the attack you can not use
the attack next turn. 

I do not care if it is a Pokémon Power that gives you
the attack.  You are using the same attack.  All the
power is doing is making a list of all your psychic
pokemon's attacks and attaching it to that Alakazam.
Mega Burn is Mega Burn is Mega Burn.  I don't care if
you have four alakazams the only way to do four turns
of mega burn is to retreat (or switch), promote a
DIFFERENT 'zam, fire, repeat.  

Send comments to:  sendmestuff@writeme.com