Hi, my name is MisanthropicPodOfGoo, and recently, I saw a strategy that
made me so angry I could have torn my eyeballs out. I will try not to let my
blinding rage stop me from writing and intelligent, constructive reply,
rather than hunting down the person who wrote this and killing them :). The
strategy in question was, of course, the one that stated Professor Elm was
better than Professor Oak. I have a few words for the writer of this tip;
ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FRIGGIN MIND? Okay now, calm down........And continue;
Oak is infinitely superior to Elm. Lets go through some of the reasons you
state Elm beats Oak at the "Good Card" award, shall we?

"The reason Elm is a higher rating is because it can prevent you from
and with Oak you have to get rid of each card in your hand."

Ahhh, the good ol' "Decking" statement, the prime reason why anyone would
argue Elm is better than Oak. In any fast deck (i.e: All Good Decks) you
should be able to win without worrying about decking. Why? Because Oak gets
you the cards you need to win the game, fast. You may argue that Elm can do
the same thing, but i dont believe so. In all of your strategy you -
somewhat conveniently - leave out the fact that Elm will stop you from
playing any Trainer cards for the rest of your turn. Simply put: This Sucks.
Sure, if Elm didn't have this drawback, I would hunt down 4 and put them in
every deck I had, but it does have the drawback, so it's not so great at
all. Trainer cards are THE single most important part of your deck. With
Oak, I could use the Oak, Comp, Finder, anything I want to get the cards I
need. Oak is the stuff combo's are made of. With Elm, you use it, then maybe
you see that you can gust your oppoents fully pumped Sneasel and KO it with
your wiggly this turn. Oh, shame you can't use Gust, isn't it?

"Oak is good
because if you don't like your hand you can get rid of it, but let's say you
have a bad hand but you have maybe one or two cards you want, with Elm you
have a chance of drawing them again, with oak you don't have this chance
unless you use cards such as NGR or Recycle."

The first statement is correct, but this is just ONE of the situations Oak
is useful in. Yes, with Elm you could draw them again, but if you want them,
as you said, what use are they buried in your deck? Also, ever heard of
using MULTIPLES? Yes, I could discard a card I wanted from my hand with Oak,
but chances are, if I run good multiples, I can get it again this turn!
Here's another scenario:
You have an active scyther with 60 damage, from a Wiggly's Do The Wave last
turn. Things are looking pretty bad, you only have Bayleaf and Meganium in
your hand, when you draw.... Elm! You play it, and draw, among other
irrelaventness, a Comp Search. Ugh. If you had ran Oaks instead of Elms, you
could have searched for a Basic Pokemon, but, oh no, you used Elms. Sorry,
you lose :(.

Oh, and before I go, I will, as you did, give ratings for each of the cards.

Elm: 4.0 (Usually bad, but may have some limited uses)
Oak: 9.8 (Loses 0.2 points for it's miniscule drawback)

Thanks for reading!

- MisanthropicPodOfGoo
Constructive critiscism welcome at SuperSaiyaJin75@hotmail.com